Das Autohaus KAHLE – sieben Standorte in und um Hannover sowie in Nienburg, Stadthagen und Walsrode bieten Ihnen hohe Servicequalität.
array(3 items) date => DateTimeprototypeobject (2025-02-12T00:00:00+01:00, 1739314800) indices => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\QueryResultprototypeobject (empty) settings => array(24 items) dateLimitBrowserPrev => '2012-01-01' (10 chars) dateLimitBrowserNext => '2020-01-01' (10 chars) weekStart => '1' (1 chars) dateFormat => 'd.m.Y' (5 chars) timeFormat => 'H:i' (3 chars) useMomentJsDateAndTimeOutput => '0' (1 chars) useMomentFullCalendarIo => '0' (1 chars) listStartTime => 'now' (3 chars) listStartTimeOffsetHours => '0' (1 chars) searchEndModifier => '+1 month' (8 chars) defaultDetailPid => '184' (3 chars) indexLanguageMode => 'strict' (6 chars) feed => array(4 items) title => 'Title of the feed' (17 chars) description => 'General description of the feed' (31 chars) language => 'de' (2 chars) debugMode => '0' (1 chars) pluginConfiguration => HDNET\Calendarize\Domain\Model\PluginConfigurationprototypepersistent entity (uid=2, pid=184) title => protected'Calendarize Event Configuration' (31 chars) modelName => protected'HDNET\Calendarize\Domain\Model\PluginConfiguration' (50 chars) configuration => protected'Event' (5 chars) storagePid => protectedNULL recursive => protected0 (integer) detailPid => protected186 (integer) listPid => protected183 (integer) yearPid => protected187 (integer) monthPid => protected188 (integer) weekPid => protected0 (integer) dayPid => protected189 (integer) bookingPid => protected0 (integer) categories => protectedNULL uid => protected2 (integer) _localizedUid => protected2 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected2 (integer)modified pid => protected184 (integer) configuration => 'Event' (5 chars) sortBy => 'start' (5 chars) sorting => 'ASC' (3 chars) detailPid => 186 (integer) listPid => 183 (integer) yearPid => 187 (integer) monthPid => 188 (integer) weekPid => 0 (integer) dayPid => 189 (integer) bookingPid => 0 (integer)
Das Autohaus KAHLE – sieben Standorte in und um Hannover sowie in Nienburg, Stadthagen und Walsrode bieten Ihnen hohe Servicequalität.